🏁 Goodbye, Irwindale Speedway – A Piece of Garage Girls History💔

🏁 Goodbye, Irwindale Speedway – A Piece of Garage Girls History💔

It’s official—Irwindale Speedway has shut down for good. After years of “this is the last event… no, really, we mean it this time,” the track is finally undergoing demolition. And while we all saw this coming, it still doesn’t feel real.

Irwindale holds a special place in my heart. It was the first event where I debuted Garage Girls Jewelry back in 2014 while managing a Formula Drift team and playing umbrella girl LOL. This track was more than just pavement—it was a home for the motorsports community, a place where we celebrated horsepower, passion, and the thrill of the race.

One of my favorite things? Meeting all the little fans—the next generation of car lovers who looked up at the track in pure awe. The energy, the vibe, the rush of being in the hot pit or out on the track—it was always electric. Those moments will never be forgotten.

Thank you, Irwindale. We will miss you. If you have memories from the track, especially with me there, I’d love to see them! Head to our Instagram and drop a comment on our Irwindale tribute post or tag us in your stories.  You can even comment below! Let’s send off this legendary track the way it deserves!

Godspeed, Irwindale. You’ll never be forgotten. 🏁💙

– Arianna & The Garage Girls Team

📲 [Follow us on Instagram & Share Your Memories] @Garage.Girls

1 comment


    We spent many years at Irwindale at Turkey Night racing a sprint car. Watching the midget races was always fun! And having a burrito for dinner! Many happy memories of family and friends there. We will miss Irwindale as it was always a favorite track. Sorry to see it go. Sad.

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