Saying Goodbye to My First Car.. My IS300 After 16 Years: Why I Finally Let Her Go 🚗💔

Saying Goodbye to My First Car.. My IS300 After 16 Years: Why I Finally Let Her Go 🚗💔

After 16 years, I finally made the tough decision to sell my Lexus IS300—a car that had been with me through countless road trips, heartbreaks, late-night wrenching sessions, and some of the best moments in my life and automotive journey. Loosing everything, having to start over multiple times, packing everything I owned and driving across the country to start a new life, driving all over the country to have amazing experiences, sleeping in my car nights when I had no where to go, the security and comfort I felt when I had nothing and no one to cry to and would end up falling asleep just knowing that I had my car. It wasn’t an easy choice, but sometimes, even the most loved cars need a new home.

One of the biggest reasons? I couldn’t drive her without planning out the whole trip. The roads were far from low-car friendly—steep driveways, rough roads with construction, and unexpected obstacles made every drive more of a headache than an enjoyable cruise. As much as I wanted to keep her, she deserved to be driven, not parked.

Another challenge? Finding someone to work on her that I trusted. Many of you know, my wrenching days were far over after 2019 when I left the Formula Drift world and the shop behind. I just didn't want to do it anymore 

Most importantly, I knew she needed a new home. Cars like this aren’t meant to sit—they’re meant to be driven, appreciated, and loved by the right person. The IS300 had been my pride and joy for so long, and I wanted her to go to someone who would truly cherish her and keep her on the road. 

Letting her go was bittersweet. I won’t lie—watching someone else drive away in my car tore me apart, I even cried myself to sleep for multiple nights. But at the same time, I knew she was going to someone who would give her the care and attention she deserved.

Sometimes, saying goodbye is part of the journey. 💨💙

Have you ever had to sell a car you loved? Drop your story in the comments—I’d love to hear it!

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