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After 16 years, I finally made the tough decision to sell my Lexus IS300—a car that had been with me through countless road trips, heartbreaks, late-night wrenching sessions, and some of the best moments in my life and automotive journey. Loosing everything, having to start over multiple times, packing everything I owned and driving across the country to start a new life, driving all over the country to have amazing experiences, sleeping in my car nights when I had no where to go, the security and comfort I felt when I had nothing and no one to cry to and would...

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It’s been seven years, but I finally had the chance to catch up with an old friend—Craig Lieberman! If you’re a fan of Fast & Furious, car culture, or early 2000s tuner history, you probably already know his name. If not, let me introduce you to one of the biggest influences in the automotive world. Who is Craig Lieberman? Craig was the Technical Advisor for the first two Fast & Furious films, helping shape the tuner scene that exploded after the release of the 2001 movie. He was the guy responsible for selecting the iconic cars, working with the studios,...

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It’s official—Irwindale Speedway has shut down for good. After years of “this is the last event… no, really, we mean it this time,” the track is finally undergoing demolition. And while we all saw this coming, it still doesn’t feel real. Irwindale holds a special place in my heart. It was the first event where I debuted Garage Girls Jewelry back in 2014 while managing a Formula Drift team and playing umbrella girl LOL. This track was more than just pavement—it was a home for the motorsports community, a place where we celebrated horsepower, passion, and the thrill of the...

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We recently had an unforgettable experience at our first-ever event at Subiefest 2023! We couldn't be more thrilled with the outcome and the overwhelming support from all the amazing people who came to visit our booth. The event turned out to be the perfect opener for our vendor event schedule, and we're excited to share our incredible journey with you. Subiefest 2023 was an absolute blast! The atmosphere was electric, with Subaru enthusiasts coming together to celebrate their love for these fantastic cars. We were in awe of the variety of Subarus present, each showcasing unique modifications and styles. Meeting...

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I've had this question a few times.. so I figured I'd give my insight! Modifying your first car can be a fun and exciting process, but it can also be overwhelming if you don't know where to start. Here are some tips and steps for simple modifications that you can do on your own: Start with the Basics: Before you dive into any major modifications, start with the basics. Make sure that your car is running smoothly and efficiently by getting regular maintenance and servicing. Check your tires, brakes, and suspension to ensure that they're in good condition and functioning...

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